In light of the extraordinary events of the past few days, Emerson College has cancelled its soapbox event on immigration reform, which had been scheduled for Boston Common on Friday, … Continue Reading Immigration event now on social media
Dear Emerson community members, Yesterday, an international sporting event of human endurance and triumph was transformed into scenes of horror and unspeakable heartache for our great city. And while we … Continue Reading Moving Forward and Healing Our Community
A second-half surge by the Emmanuel Saints wasn’t enough to stop the potent offense of the Emerson Women’s Lacrosse Team as the Lions rolled to an 18-12 win Saturday, April … Continue Reading Women’s Lacrosse wins 18-12
Michael Curry, president of Boston NAACP, will participate in a panel discussion on gun violence at Emerson College on April 25. A group of Boston-area professionals who work directly with … Continue Reading Environmental factors in gun violence
David Twomey Three students recently won the second annual David P. Twomey III Award in Public Diplomacy that was presented by the Department of Communication Studies. The winners are Katie … Continue Reading Twomey diplomacy winners announced
Walter Klenhard, visiting screenwriter-in-residence at Emerson, is writing a television movie for the Hallmark Channel. (Courtesy photo) Being in the throes of writing a television movie for the Hallmark Channel … Continue Reading Faculty member writing Hallmark Channel script
A graduate student and alumnus have been chosen for the Fulbright U.S. Student Awards for 2013-14. The winners are Joshua B. Luckens, MFA ’13, a Theatre Education graduate student, and … Continue Reading Fulbright winners announced
Dimitri Pefanis, MA ’02, receives the Citigroup Journalistic Excellence Award from Grant Carlson of Citi Greece. (Courtesy photo) The recent news that Dimitri Pefanis, MA ’02, won Citigroup’s Journalistic Excellence … Continue Reading Alum honored for journalism in Greece
Donald Hurwitz, interim chair of Marketing Communication, Irma Mann Stearns ’67, H’92, and Kevin Campbell ’87 at the Paramount Center on April 9. (Photo by Aja Neahring ’13) Visiting the … Continue Reading Disney executive, alum visits students
Among the 27,000 participants of the 117th Boston Marathon will be a handful of Emersonians running to help others, overcome personal obstacles, or just show themselves what they’re made of. … Continue Reading Emersonians to run Boston Marathon