NPR Highlights Associate Professor Fields’ Digital Banjo Museum
Learn about the history of the banjo without leaving your couch.
Learn about the history of the banjo without leaving your couch.
No one expected that there would be a line of Emerson College Lions to the NBA.
ArtsEmerson’s David Dower spoke with Chilean playwright Guillermo Calderón to get his perspective of the ongoing protests in Chile.
VMA assistant professor Manuel Basanese shared his insights with Variety for an article that examines what makes SNL comedian Heidi Gardner a hit with audiences.
Associate Professor of Political Science Mneesha Gellman writes in The Conversation about the Emerson Prison Initiative (EPI) and the value, to both incarcerated persons and society, of offering higher education in prison.
Boston Magazine posed the question, “Is Emerson College the Smartest Developer in Town?” in its November issue, as the College has many large-scale projects ongoing that are enlivening downtown Boston, and at the same time preserving elements of the past and enhancing the neighborhood.
Paul Mihailidis, associate professor of Journalism, weighed in on The Daily Northwestern’s coverage of Jeff Session’s visit to the Northwestern campus and apology last week, which has raised much debate over journalistic practices.
The Boston Globe recently reviewed Cannupa Hanska Luger’s Future Ancestral Technologies: nágshibi, a multi-media Indigenous-centered science fiction exhibition using creative storytelling to radically reimagine the future and promote a thriving Indigeneity.
President Lee Pelton is interviewed for Lifehacker’s “How I work” column, and shares tips on how to be more efficient with email (read it only once), how he gets exercise during a busy day, and what he is reading lately.
Communication Studies Assistant Professor Vincent Raynauld was quoted in the Dutch magazine, De Groene Amsterdammer, in an article about the scandals and resilient “brand” of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.