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Kim McLarin Discusses Essay Collection with Boston Globe

Writing, Literature, and Publishing Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director Kim McLarin gives readers a glimpse into her latest essay collection, “Womanish: A Grown Black Woman Speaks on Love and Life,” to the Globe’s Nancy Shohet West. The author of three novels, McLarin says the collection is about maturity: “Growing older is not the same as growing up. Being a woman in an accomplishment. It means you’ve obtained wisdom and insight, that is your responsibility to try to share with other people.”

People say to me, ‘Thank you for writing this, because I cannot talk about it myself.’ One woman said she was going to give it to her husband to read, because he didn’t understand her struggle. And that’s why I do it. In the end, it’s not about me. It’s about what it means to be human.

Read the piece here.

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