Senior Artist-in-Residence and Artistic Director of Emerson Stage Annie Levy spoke with casting publication Backstage for a piece on the state of drama schools amidst a striking Hollywood and decline in theater venues.
The fellowship aims to nurture diverse and dynamic leaders, enrich the graduate student experience at Emerson, and foster positive change in communication and the arts.
Cate McQuaid of the Boston Globe recently reviewed Emerson Contemporary’s current exhibition, “Rachel Rossin: Works from THE MAW OF,” on view in the Media Art Gallery through October 14.
“I talk about a Taylor Swift concert and he talks about a documentary he really likes. We get to connect through music.”
The play, Antigone, illustrates the problem of reconciling politics and public health, she writes.
The law requires that the College provide notice of the availability of the report to all currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff.
A word or phrase that was commonplace for centuries may now be understood as insensitive, but many writers aren’t always tuned in to what’s appropriate.
“Identity and heritage, nature and spirituality, social justice and political activism are all common themes within the works of our most esteemed Latine and Hispanic artists and creatives.”
Jesse Epstein was excited about working with the students in Pakistan after months of meeting virtually.
Faculty Carol Ferrara writes for the academic news site The Conversation about the recent French ban of abayas in public schools, and head scarves prior, and what that says about French culture and identity.