New Voices, New Stories: Recent MFA Grads Land Deals for First Novels
Less than a year out of Emerson, Ciera Burch sold her debut young adult novel to Farrar, Straus and Giroux and Madeline Sneed sold her first novel to an imprint of HarperCollins.
Less than a year out of Emerson, Ciera Burch sold her debut young adult novel to Farrar, Straus and Giroux and Madeline Sneed sold her first novel to an imprint of HarperCollins.
Let me give you a glimpse of what success in the COVID era looks like.
Alumni Michael Sagol ’96 and Daniel Sbrega ’99 are executive producers on the film.
Hot Water Over Raised Fists, uses movement, light, sculptural elements, and site-specificity to create an experience of empathy and hope.
You wouldn’t know Leo is a CG lion.
Michael Thorpe went from creating on the basketball court to inventing with a sewing machine.
A Space for Grief and Reflection, acknowledged losses and complexities of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Do you like scary movies?
Developed within historically marginalized deaf communities, Black ASL is a vibrant dialect that uniquely uses space, hand gesture, directional movement, and facial expressions.
Members of the Emerson community came together this week to condemn and mourn the March 16 murder of eight people in Atlanta, including six Asian women, as well as violence across the country and the world.