Carolina Avellaneda Named General Counsel
Avellaneda will manage the College’s legal affairs and provide ongoing daily counsel and strategic advice to the President, the Board of Trustees, Vice Presidents, and senior administrators.
Avellaneda will manage the College’s legal affairs and provide ongoing daily counsel and strategic advice to the President, the Board of Trustees, Vice Presidents, and senior administrators.
Is Jennifer Coolidge a robot???
Also known as the Spring Festival, Chūnjié in Mandarin, Seollal in Korean, and Tết in Vietnamese, Lunar New Year is one the most important holidays among East and Southeast Asian communities
Elkus Manfredi Architects won a 2023 Merit Award from the Society of Registered Architects (SARA) for their reimagining of Emerson’s Little Building.
Senior Distinguished Artist-in-Residence P. Carl’s memoir, Becoming a Man: The Story of a Transition, is now a play, and the Emerson community is invited to see it free of charge at one of two shows in its upcoming world premiere
Black History Month is a time for acknowledging the culture, heritage, history, contributions, excellence, and joy of Black and African American communities.
The brief presents evidence of the vital role DACA plays at educational institutions and beyond.
Asim is the author of eight books for adults, including most recently his novel, Yonder, and Stop and Frisk: American Poems (Bloomsday Literary, 2020).
The Bright Lights Cinema Series will screen the film Israelism on February 1, 2024, after being postponed from its original screening date in November 2023.
Emerson College recognizes the important role of Resident Assistants on our campus and congratulates them on the results of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) election supporting the formation of a union