Inside the Countdown to WEBN’s Live Election Night Coverage

All photos by Zac Poulin ’24.
Several hours before WEBN’s biggest Political Pulse show of the year, the production team gathered in the studio, preparing for a night of live election coverage.
Spread around different Emerson College studio spaces and multiple states, team members were detail oriented, testing every piece of equipment to focus on the country’s most closely watched races.
Callie Krosin ’25, began working with WEBN her first year, performing different roles, culminating in her turn to executive produce the live show.
“We’ve been working on this since June,” said Krosin. “We started planning content early, but September was the real kick-off when we held meetings to work out technical details. Over the past month, our reporters have been creating packages, while anchors and correspondents have been writing stories, and becoming well-versed in the research to ensure they’re fully prepared.”
For Krosin, Election Night was an exciting test of her leadership.
“Pressure makes diamonds,” she said with a smile. “I am feeling excited and optimistic. All the hard work we’ve put in is about to pay off.”
Nearby, Executive News Producer and on-air host Emily Martinez ’26 finished her makeup and discussed the team’s strategy for navigating live television.
“It’s about having backup plans,” Martinez explained. “Thankfully, we have a big team, so if one person isn’t sure of something, we can quickly switch to someone who does. We stay connected and communicative, with floor directors in three different spots, people here at Emerson, others [reporting from] Washington, D.C., and New Hampshire.”
The live show was also a great collaboration between the Emerson Channel and WEBN. The entire crew in the Tufte Performance and Production Center were Emerson Channel students, and led by Emerson Channel Special Events Coordinator Jamie Garber ’27
Director of Production Facilities Media Technologies and Production Director Tony Ascenso was very proud of the team.
“This was the most advanced multi-facility production so far. We’ve done few others,” said Ascenso. “They really utilized the technology in effective ways and now have momentum to do more of these types of productions. It was impressive to see the students take ownership of the show and make it happen.”
Emerson Channel Director Diana Barton ’91 said Emerson Channel students “…simply followed WEBN in where they were going in the show and supported them throughout,” such as Political Pulse Executive Producer Isabella Osgood ’27.
As part of their role to get ready to kick off the live show, Osgood ’27 busily monitored breaking news coverage in real-time.
“When we’re scouting for a breaking news story, we start by having team members monitor sources like CNN, Fox, or the AP,” Osgood explained. “That’s how I make sure everything is getting done — we’re all working together.”
While confident in her skills, she admitted the real stress came from the responsibility of coordinating so many moving parts. Along with writing breaking news, Osgood was coding video and graphics for the control room’s camera systems, and reviewing others’ work.
Upstairs in the Di Bona Family Production Studio, WEBN correspondent Sam Lawrence ’27 was getting ready to host a live panel segment, by reviewing last-minute discussion topics with the panelists.
“This is the first time we’re doing a political panel with columnists and commentators, so we’ll be getting perspectives on some of the most important issues for this election — women’s right to choose, gun violence, and the impact of independent and undecided voters in swing states,” said Lawrence.
Panelist Trey Fuccillo ’25, who was elected to the Marlborough (Mass.) City Council in 2023, highlighted the significance of staying engaged in local elections as a means of driving real change.
“I know Emerson students have a lot of different opinions, feelings, [and] issues that are motivating them to vote,” he said. “I just hope they all stick to those local roots and know they can make a difference.”
As the clock struck 8:00 pm, the energy in the room was palpable. With a final check, the team took their places, ready to bring the election coverage to life.
Co-host Faith Pinnow ’25 looked into the camera, “Hello, and welcome to a special WEBN production of Election 2024.”
