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Dylan Jack Quartet Releasing Holiday Album ‘Window Panes’: Jazz News

Jazz News highlights the Dylan Jack Quartet’s new holiday album, Winter Panes. The group is eponymously named after drummer and Performing Arts Affiliated Faculty member Dylan Jack.

This is the Quartet’s first album that doesn’t feature original music. The album includes remakes of songs by James Brown, from A Charlie Brown Christmas, and A Muppet Christmas Carol.

Jack explained how he came up with the album’s name. Read more on Nestor Publishers Jazz News.

It was cold as hell that day. It was, like, two degrees the next day. It was so cold. We recorded in a church, and when I walked up the stairs, there was this window outside, just covered in ice, so beautiful, with a chandelier hanging above it. I took a picture and it just had to be the album cover. Then I thought about naming the album after this picture in some way, with different cultures representing these different panes. If you look out this window, you might see the more eastern side of it, maybe, but it’s still the same landscape no matter what—part of this bigger, larger window.

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