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Faculty Using Professional Development Grants to Make Art, Study Culture

Nineteen affiliated faculty members were awarded Affiliated Faculty Professional Development Fund (AFDF) grants to support their scholarly and creative pursuits, according to the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship. Applications are reviewed by the AFDF Committee.

Recipients are:

Luis Arnías (Visual and Media Arts): Macondoless, a feature film exploring the aftermath of the Venezuelan exodus (2014-present)

Ellie Beargeon (Marlboro Institute of Liberal Arts and Interdisciplinary Studies): ‘Diverse Warriors’: The Intersection of Queer and Military Identities (2011-2021)

David Bendiksen (VMA): Trichrome Cinematography: Bringing 19th-Century Color Technology into the 21st Century

Mina Cho (Performing Arts): Ajaeng (Korean traditional bowed zither) Blues Project

Alexander Danner (Writing, Literature and Publishing): Exercises in Sound, an exploration of storytelling in audio format

Daniel DeFraia (Journalism): Research at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. for a forthcoming scholarly paper on the Vietnam Task Force records.

Jesse Epstein (VMA): Ruderal Species, a short-form documentary film exploring human migration, culture, and behavior

Jordan Escobar (WLP): AWP 2025 panel presentation: “Poetry and Prose of Farm Laborers”

Beatriz Gonzalez-Flecha (Marlboro Institute): Attendance at a ‘Build a Community of More Just and Mindful Educators’ Workshop

Peter Hanly (Marlboro Institute): Seminar leader at the Collegium Phaenomenologicum in Citta di Castello, Italy in July 2024

David Jiles, Jr. (Performing Arts): Freeing the Natural Voice: Linklater Teacher Designation

John Krivit (VMA): Los Vinilos de Gaitán: A Transdisciplinary Research Project

Barry Marshall (VMA): Dany Silva: From Cape Verde and the African Diaspora in Portugal to the World

Jocelyn E. Marshall (WLP): Dissent Nearby: Diasporic Feminism & U.S. Imperialism

Patrick Marshall (VMA): A feature film, A Tidal Island of the Mind

Mark Micheli (Journalism): A documentary, Paloma Quintana, Pioneer Surfer

Maria Servellon (VMA): Phantasma, a short film in post-production

Holly Tarnower (Performing Arts): Attendance at the 2024 Educational Theater Association Theater Education Conference.

Jennifer Walker (VMA): MicroMedia Learning Series: The Exposure Triangle