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Gellman on Education in Prison: Inquest and BBJ

Associate Professor Mneesha Gellman, Director of the Emerson Prison Initiative, was interviewed by Inquest, a platform of the Institute to End Mass Incarceration, about her latest book, Unlocking Learning: International Perspectives on Education in Prison [Brandeis U. Press, 2024], and her work with EPI.

Unlocking Learning, co-edited with Justin McDevitt, director of the Women’s College Partnership, a program of the Notre Dame Programs for Education in Prison, includes essays from educators and academics highlighting carceral interventions and education in prison models from Europe and Latin America.

Gellman also wrote a letter to the Boston Business Journal about the link between education and vocational training within prisons to post-carceral employment .

“If we want a robust Massachusetts economy coupled with sustainable public safety that actually intervenes in the root causes of violence, we should welcome returning citizens into the workforce with open arms,” Gellman writes.

Read the BBJ letter

Read the Inquest interview

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