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May to Co-Lead Spirit of Emerson Initiative

Headshot of Heather May.
Senior Lecturer Heather May

Heather May, a longtime Senior Lecturer in the Communication Studies Department is taking over the helm of the Spirit of Emerson initiative, joining co-leader Stan Nance.

“ Having been at Emerson for almost 20 years, I know that the kindness and generosity of spirit of the people in our community is what makes Emerson College such an amazing place,” May said.

May takes over duties from Sharon Duffy Assistant Vice President of Student Success.

The Spirit of Emerson Award, established in 2014 and named for its founder, Visual and Media Arts Professor Emeritus Tom Cooper, in 2022, “is given annually to individuals or groups who have exemplified the Spirit of Emerson College during the past academic year or longer, as determined by the … Committee.” The winner or winners receive a total of $400.

The Kindness Award, created in 2020 in honor of Performing Arts Professor Bob Colby, who died the following year, “honors a person or persons who spreads unconditional, unwavering, and selfless kindness among the Emerson community.”

A Nebraska native, May joined Emerson in 2004 to teach public speaking. A former and formidable forensics competitor in college at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, May resurrected Emerson’s forensics team, eventually taking them to the Nationals.

“I am so honored to be able to be a part of the Spirit of Emerson committee,” May said. “Anytime we’re able to recognize the pouringof someone’s heart into our campus life, regardless of what their role is, I believe that is something to be celebrated, and I’m thrilled to be a part of that celebration!”