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Ballad of a Thin Jacket: An Emersonian Spin on ‘Bob Dylan Core’ TikTok Trend

As temperatures dip below freezing, some Emersonians are trading their winter coats for thin jackets. The inspiration? Bob Dylan. 

“Bob Dylan Core” is a new TikTok trend adopted by young people to mirror Dylan’s lowkey fashion style, a la the cover of The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan. Followers of the trend wear too-thin suede or denim jackets, with fall accessories like scarves and boots, and walk around hunched over to the strains of “Don’t Think Twice, It’s Alright”.

Bel Attenberg ’27, attended a Junkyard Boston backyard concert, and made a TikTok video after he noticed many people dressed “like Bob Dylan.” 

“The video was definitely a comment on his style, although I love his music,” said Attenberg. “A lot of Bob Dylan fans found it too, and older fans were commenting on how surprised they are that his music has stayed relevant.”

Attenberg did not expect the video to gain much traction, but it now has over 500,000 likes on TikTok. Isabelle Galgano ’27, Attenberg’s concert companion, first noticed the attendees’ fashion and had the idea for the video. 

“I looked around and saw a large amount of people in this same fashion style, so I made the joke ‘Why are all the guys here cosplaying Bob Dylan right now?” Galgano said. “Then Bel and I had the idea to document it as a joke, and before I knew it, 2 million people saw our joke which is super funny to me.”

Attenberg captioned the video “Classic Emerson College”, and people loved it and were inspired.

One user (@kodakkasey) said, “This was truly the Emerson College experience.” Another (@uncleberniesanders) said ,“I’m applying to Emerson College promptly.”

“It’s a bit of a pretentious style, but definitely the vibe of Emerson kids,” Attenberg said.