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Provost Search Update

Dear Members of the Emerson Community:

I would like to thank you for your valuable input and participation in the listening sessions and for your thoughtful survey submissions. I’d also like to provide you with an update on the provost search.

The input of staff and faculty in this process is critical. If you have not already, I encourage you to complete the brief confidential survey. If you have any candidate suggestions, please send them to our search partner, WittKieffer, at

The Search Committee and our consultants are especially interested in receiving nominations from you, those who know Emerson best. We are hoping you will take the time to highlight talented people who might be right for this position.

The search committee has continued our meetings, and we are on track to conclude by late winter. Both Jay and I are grateful for your care and support, and for the many ways in which you contribute to Emerson.

With appreciation,
Brooke Knight
Assistant Provost for Faculty Affairs

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