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Walker Formally Awarded MassBook Award

Jerald Walker in grey suit jacket speaks behind podium with Massachusetts state seal, painting of state house behind him. Man and woman look on
Professor Jerald Walker speaks at Three Years of Massachusetts Book Awards, held January 18 at the State House. Looking on are State Sen. Patrick O’Connor and State Rep. Joan Meschino. Courtesy photo.

Professor Jerald Walker‘s essay collection, How to Make a Slave and Other Essays won a Massachusetts Book Award for Nonfiction back in 2021, but last month, he was able to accept the honor in person.

The Massachusetts Center for the Book hosted Three Years of Massachusetts Book Awards at the State House on January 18, where they honored authors who won during the pandemic.

How to Make a Slave was short-listed for a National Book Award, and “Kaleshion,” an essay from the collection, was awarded a 2022 Pushcart Prize.

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