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Beyond Racial Equity Launching HiveWise Conversation

2/2/22 Update: The deadline to participate in HiveWise has been extended to Tuesday, February 15.

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,

Emerson’s external partner Beyond Racial Equity (BRE) is asking the community to participate and engage in an information-sharing platform designed to inform the strategic review of equity systems and structures on campus.

Sign up to participate in HiveWise.

As you know, BRE began its work last fall to examine the College’s practices and policies and identify structural and systemic barriers that prevent BIPOC students, students with disabilities, and students from other marginalized groups from experiencing a sense of belonging and full participation in the Emerson experience.

As part of this work, Beyond Racial Equity is pleased to announce the launch of HiveWise on Monday, January 24.

HiveWise is an asynchronous, collective intelligence tool that is designed to facilitate a virtual conversation with stakeholders of the Beyond Racial Equity Strategic Review. Rather than a typical survey tool where participants respond to questions and only see their answers, HiveWise allows for a virtual conversation where participants see each other’s answers and share the pros and cons of other responses. The open platform is anonymous, however BRE staff will have access to names as part of the registration process.

All participants will be entered into a raffle to win Emerson swag! We will draw a participant each day from January 24 – February 2.

This collective intelligence platform will provide an opportunity for all members of the Emerson community to engage in the BRE Strategic Review. BRE will use themes from the information to inform future strategy sessions focused on student satisfaction and an improved campus environment. 

Interested in participating? Sign up to participate in HiveWise.

Have questions? See these FAQ’s or email

Thank you for your engagement!


Community Equity Communications Working Group and Beyond Racial Equity Project Team:

Community Equity Communications Working Group: Alayne Fiore, Brooke Knight, Chris Daly, Iris O’Connor, Jae Williams, Jim Hoppe, Michelle Gaseau, Ruthanne Madsen, Sam Woodson

Beyond Racial Equity Project Team: Tara Jenkins, Quionna Allen, Ruthanne Madsen, Anthony Pinder, Samantha Ivery, Alayne Fiore, Jae Williams

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