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Transition to PCR Pooled testing Monday, October 25

Dear Colleagues:

Emerson’s COVID testing has been a great success and we want to thank you for your participation. We are contacting you to inform you of the anticipated change from individual PCR tests to pooled PCR tests. Pooled COVID testing will begin on Monday, October 25. Pooled testing is very similar to our current testing procedures. Please see the new process highlighted below for your review. 

New Pooled Testing Instructions:

  1. The testing center remains the same – Tufts testing site (116 Harrison Ave).  Please report any symptoms or exposures at the door upon entering
  2. Proceed to an individual cubby
  3. Sanitize your hands, blow your nose, and sanitize again
  4. Proceed directly to the pooled testing area – please follow the signs for the pooled testing area
  6. Once you are in the pooled testing cubicle, please tap your ID
  7. You will see a pile of wrapped swabs in the pooled testing cubicle. Pick up a new wrapped swab, open it, and swab your nose three times in each nostril as you did before
  8. Place your swab in the large test tube – cotton swab side down. This is critically important!
  9. DO NOT, for any reason, reach into the large test tube. If you drop your swab or if it missed the test tube please call over a TMC staff member
  10. Once you have placed your swab in the test tube please discard the swab wrapper, sanitize your hands and replace your face covering
  11. You are all done!
  12. There is NO change to how you receive results

Staff will be onsite to help guide you through the new process!

New Pooled Testing Results Instructions:

  1. You will receive one of two results: Negative or inconclusive
  2. If you receive a negative, please continue to test at your regular time the following week
  3. If you receive an inconclusive, you will receive a message to return for an individual PCR test within 24 hours. If you are unvaccinated, you must quarantine until your individual test results come back
  4. If you fail to get retested within 24 hours, your ID will restrict you from accessing campus. HR and your manager will be notified of your non-compliance status
  5. If you experience symptoms at any time, please do not come to campus and contact your PCP.

If you have any questions, please contact or check out the FAQs.Thank you for helping keep our community safe and healthy.

Shari Stier
Senior Associate Vice President, Human Resources

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