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COVID-19 Update: City of Boston Safety Measures

Dear members of the Emerson community,

As the College continues to prepare for the return of students and the start of the 2021 Spring Term on the Boston campus, we have been closely monitoring new information from government officials while COVID conditions continue to evolve. Most recently, the City of Boston announced in December that current citywide restrictions on a number of businesses and organizations will remain in place through January 27, as part of a dedicated effort to mitigate viral spread while the statewide vaccination program continues.

Given the robust cautionary measures that the College has already put in place for the Spring Term, including continued de-densification, social distancing, and an enhanced COVID testing program, these restrictions will have minimal impact on our plans for the Spring Term.

Although most indoor gatherings in Boston will continue to be limited to 10, Emerson’s in-person Flex Learning course instruction will not be affected because colleges and universities are excluded from these limits.

The guidance mandates the closure of indoor fitness centers, including gyms, through January 27.  As such, the College’s Fitness Center will remain closed with plans to reopen the weekend of January 30. 

The College will continue to monitor any changes in citywide restrictions that impact our campus, and will keep the community informed. Thank you for your cooperation in helping to keep our campus safe.

Additional information and guidance regarding Emerson’s participation in the commonwealth’s immunization program will be made available as soon as possible.

Erik Muurisepp
Covid-19 Lead
AVP, Campus Life

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