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COVID-19 Update: Select Your Spring Testing Days

Hello and Happy New Year. 

In preparation for our shift to twice-weekly student COVID-19 testing this semester, each student studying in-person on the Boston campus will need to select into a “testing cohort.” 

These testing cohorts will identify which days of the week you test (at 116 Harrison Avenue) to remain in compliance with the College’s testing requirements.  The testing cohort days are: Monday/Wednesday, Tuesday/Thursday, Wednesday/Friday, and Friday/Monday. Please note that there are a limited number of testing slots in each student cohort.  

We ask that you select your Spring 2021 COVID-19 Testing Cohort by the end of the day on Monday, January 11. Later that week, students will then be able to select specific testing times within their testing cohort days. 

We thank you for your cooperation and please let me know if you have any questions. 

Thank you and be well, 
Erik Muurisepp
AVP, Campus Life

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