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COVID Update: Spring 2021 Guidance


As the fall semester draws to a close, we once again thank you for your dedication and help in making this semester a safe one. Our attention now shifts to planning for the spring semester. We are laser-focused on creating as safe a campus as possible for the Emerson community  and maintaining our commitment to keep the COVID-19 virus out of our community.

In order to do that, we must remain vigilant in adhering to our existing guidance and prepare for new practices that we will introduce starting in January 2021.

COVID Guidance:

  • Students are directed to self-quarantine for 14 days prior to their planned travel back to Boston in January 2021. This self-quarantine helps limit the spread of COVID-19.  Self-quarantine is defined as staying in your residence except for essential travel (work, medical appointments, preparations for your return to campus). Students and their families should avoid gatherings during this time.  
  • Students will need to complete the Massachusetts Travel Form prior to arrival in Boston, unless you will be arriving from within Massachusetts or from a lower-risk state designated by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.  Please note that this list may change frequently over the break, so please check prior to your planned departure for Boston.  If you are experiencing COVID symptoms or are awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test taken prior to your departure do not travel to campus. More information on preparing for your arrival to campus will be shared at a later date. 
  • Upon arrival in Boston, all students will need to take a baseline COVID-19 test at the Emerson/TMC testing center (116 Harrison Ave). 
    • For on-campus residents, this will be done prior to moving into your residence hall. You will be able to sign up for a specific date and time in your housing portal  More information will be sent from Housing and Residential Education. 
    • For off-campus students, plan to make an appointment for a test via the Emerson App or at  Schedule your baseline test for your arrival date to Boston. You will be able to schedule an appointment starting in January.  
  • After taking a baseline test, all students will need to quarantine until a negative result is received (24-48 hours). Access to move about campus buildings will not be activated until a negative result is received. Please note that if your test is “invalid” or “test not performed/able to be processed” you will need to re-test until a negative result is received, extending your quarantine. 
    • On-campus students will quarantine in their assigned residence hall room and quarantine meals will be provided. Students are encouraged to supplement meals by bringing along their favorite snacks. 
    • Off-campus students will need to quarantine at their residence.  
  • NEW for Spring 2021: Upon completion of a baseline test, all students participating in in-person Flex classes on the Boston campus will be required to test every four days at the Emerson/TMC test site. This testing frequency will remain in place for the full spring semester. Failure to comply with testing every four days will result in deactivation of access to campus buildings and prevent attendance to in-person classes until a negative test result is received. More information on Spring scheduling will be available in the coming weeks. Students studying at ELA, Kasteel Well or other partner programs will receive information on testing from their specific programs. 
  • Students attending in-person classes in Boston in the spring are required to get a flu shot by December 31, 2020. You must then upload documentation of the flu shot into your student health portal. Students will not be permitted access to campus if a flu shot is not on file. 

We thank you for your cooperation and understanding of these new guidelines for the Spring semester.  Together we can continue to keep our campus safe and protect those around us.  Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions.  

Good luck with the end of your semester and be well, 

Erik Muurisepp
AVP, Campus Life
COVID-19 Lead

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