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WBUR Profiles ArtsEmerson’s Work in Fostering Arts Equity

Photo Credit: Asia Kepka

In a commentary piece for WBUR’s The ARTery, Marcia Garcia describes how ArtsEmerson, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, is moving the needle regarding equity in the arts: “From its inception, ArtsEmerson has instituted programs at the intersection of civic dialogue and artistic exploration that have expanded its audience and engaged communities that arts organizations have historically ignored.”

Garcia also lists some of the criteria upon which each play is selected: culture of origin of the work, if the work fosters conversation around race/class equity, the gender composition of the artistic leadership of the project, and the form and innovation of the production.

ArtsEmerson is led by artistic director David Dower and executive director David Howse.

Read more about ArtsEmerson in The ARTery.

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