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Polling Society tackles NFL domestic violence

The Emerson College Polling Society conducted a nationwide survey this week about the domestic violence cases that have recently rocked the National Football League.

Participants were asked about the conduct of players Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson—both embroiled in domestic violence cases.

The results of the survey, which were released on September 19, show that 28 percent of people believe Rice, of the Baltimore Ravens, should be banned from the NFL for life. A recently released surveillance video, shot inside a casino elevator in February, shows Rice viciously punching his then-fiancée (now wife), knocking her unconscious.

Thirty-three percent of poll participants said Rice should be banned from playing until next year; 21 percent said this year; and 18 percent said Rice should play this week.

When it comes to Peterson, the Minnesota Vikings player who reportedly said he hit his 4-year-old son with a tree branch so many times he lost count, 36 percent of participants said he should be allowed to play this week.

Visit the Emerson College Polling Society website for complete results.

Need Help? Call Emerson College Violence Prevention and Response at 617-824-8857 or the 24/7 Safelink Helpline at 877-785-2020.

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