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Emerson hosts global PR, marketing conference

Emerson hosted 85 students and 10 faculty from 11 universities worldwide as part of the Global Communications (GlobCom) Project Conference May 29-June 1.

Scott C. Ratzan

Scott C. Ratzan, MA ’86, served as a keynote speaker at the Global Communications Project Conference at Bordy Theater on May 30. (Photo by Dan O’Brien)

In the months leading up to the conference, Emerson students joined peers from across the world to create public relations and marketing campaigns tackling social issues, such as distracted driving, which were presented during the conference.

Scott C. Ratzan, MA ’86, served as keynote speaker on May 30 at Bordy Theater.

Ratzan has an extensive resume: He is a medical doctor, but currently serves as vice president of global corporate affairs for Anheuser-Busch InBev, and formerly served as vice president of global health for Johnson & Johnson. He works with world leaders on strategies to promote healthy living on behalf of Anheuser-Busch.

Ratzan is also credited with helping launch the Health Communication graduate degree program at Emerson.

Ratzan is editor-in-chief of the peer-reviewed Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives; and is co-chair of the United Nations Secretary General’s Every Woman, Every Child Innovation Working Group.

In his speech, Ratzan spoke about the importance of the corporate and public sectors working together on solutions for societal health and safety problems.

“I’ve worked in not for profit,” Ratzan said, “I’ve worked in government, I’ve been in academia and now I’m in the private sector… I believe we can do this all in partnership. I believe that in every one of those sectors, we can help make a difference.”

The GlobCom Conference events included a panel discussion led by Communication Studies faculty member Cathryn Cushner Edelstein on global trends in public relations and public diplomacy; and a speech by Journalism faculty member Carole Simpson on the importance of freedom of the press internationally. Students were hosted for a reception at the British Consul General’s Residence in Boston and tours of local landmarks around the city.

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