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Communication Sciences and Disorders demonstrates brain dissection

Students and faculty from many disciplines got the opportunity to witness the dissection of a human brain, in an event sponsored by the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) last week.

The presentation was led by Associate Professor Vinoth Jagaroo, an instructor in the Science and Psychology curriculum who has a doctorate in Behavioral Neuroscience from Boston University.

The dissection, which took place at the College’s Semel Theater, was accompanied by slides and visual media to enhance the explanation of the brain regions, structures, and neural pathways that the dissection brought forth. Following the dissection, Communication Sciences and Disorders faculty took questions from the audience.

“CSD majors are required to take courses in brain function and neuroanatomy, so this served as a supplement to their studies, an ability to see in 3-D what is difficult to represent fully in pictures and models,” said Daniel Kempler. “But we had students from all over the campus who were interested and attended. The brain is central to all of our endeavors.”

According to Kempler, although there have been many technological advances, brain dissection is the standard and best-understood procedure for learning about the brain and its functions, and has been for hundreds of years.

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