ELA COVID-19 Update (March 12)
Dear ELA community,
I write to update you on the latest efforts being undertaken at ELA to address the coronavirus situation.
Before I get to that, I would like to refer everyone to the College’s website which has updated answers to many of your questions. It can be found here: FAQs
- Our housekeeping staff have been regularly wiping down all public doorknobs, railings and elevator buttons with antibacterial wipes throughout the day.
- We have added additional hand sanitizing stations by the elevators and have more on order. We are also monitoring them to make sure they are filled.
- We have placed hand sanitizer in every office and classroom. When available we have placed tissues and antibacterial wipes in the classrooms as well. Please do not remove these supplies from the classrooms.
- The College is investigating the necessity of moving ELA classes online; more information to come soon.
- If your internship site closes or if you are asked to work remotely, please contact Liam or Thomas for assistance.
- If you have a need to speak with a therapist, students can email ELA_wellness@emerson.edu for an appointment.
- If you are not feeling well, please call your medical provider for an appointment prior to arriving.
I appreciate your patience while we work through this rapidly evolving situation.
Best Regards,
Timothy P. Chang
Associate Dean of Students and Chief Operations Officer
Emerson Los Angeles
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