Say Cheese: Photo Booth Provides Fast, Free Professional Headshots to Emersonians

Thanks to a new photo booth in the Walker Building, professional-quality headshots used to cost hundreds of dollars.
Located on Walker’s second floor by the Office of Student Success (OSS), the photo booth is available for all Emerson College students, faculty, staff, and alumni.
The Student Assistance Food frequently receives requests for help with professional headshots for career and personal branding, said Sharon Duffy, assistant vice president for student success. The list of uses for headshots in professional and academic settings is long: social media, press releases, media features, book covers, author bios, class assignments, student organizations, conference submissions, fundraisers, award ceremonies.

“These images are valuable for LinkedIn profiles, personal and professional websites, email signatures, business cards (both digital and print), and bio pages,” said Duffy. “They’re also essential for job searches, including resumes, job portals, and online profiles, as well as for freelancers, creatives, and consultants.”
Duffy said within one week of the booth being available, there were already more than 100 sessions, including a comedy troupe who took photos to use for a comedy competition application.
The photo booth is available to Emerson community members with access to the Walker Building when the building is open. Alumni have access to the Iwasaki Library, so putting it on the second floor made sense, said Duffy.
Money from the Student Assistance Fund was used to purchase the photo booth. Staff specifically tested to make sure the professional grade lighting allows for all skin type. Along with OSS, the Career Development Center, Academic Affairs, and Facilities worked together to provide the amenity, which will help ease a financial burden for many people.
There is no limit on how many times someone can use the booth. Users can take three photos per session, and retake one of them. Duffy said the booth’s program provides OSS with data such as what day and time people use it. The program stores photos for one year.

Come On In
Step inside the booth, and after entering your email address (so your photos can be emailed), a screen provides directions to users. The screen provides tips and suggestions, such as sit sideways, lean forward with one shoulder, cross your arms across your lower half (the photo booth says that demonstrates confidence), and to look at the camera – not the screen.
Users also have the ability to apply AI enhancement to photos. Different backgrounds can be selected, including trees, neutral gray, office, home, or original.

Standing outside of the photo booth, Performing Arts major Storm Templeton ’25 was excited to see an option for free, professional quality headshots.
“I think a lot of people need it. It’s incredible that it’s free,” said Templeton.
Grey Cunningham ’26, a student worker with OSS, was delighted to be the first student to use the photo booth.
“It is a wonderful, accessible way to get professional headshots, which can be very expensive,” said Cunningham, who will use it for LinkedIn and their resume.
Zoe Bergman ’26 said she’d come back on the weekend to take photos when she can put on professional clothing. She said student organizations often provide opportunities to get professional headshots, but the timeframes aren’t always convenient.
“It’s 24 hours a day if you can tap into the Walker Building,” said Bergman.
“Simply put—whenever you need a professional digital photo, the headshot photo booth is here for you — free of charge!” celebrated Duffy.
Please visit the Iris Headshot Photo Booth website for more information.