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Raynauld Named to Board of Canadian Political Science Association

man wearing glasses, blue jacket, green tie
Associate Professor Vincent Raynauld

Communication Studies Associate Professor Vincent Raynauld was named one of 10 Directors of the Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA).

The CPSA exists to facilitate and promote the study of politics and government in Canada, and seeks to connect students, researchers, journalists, practitioners, teachers, and interested individuals to one another and to international resources for the study of politics and government. It also hosts an annual academic conference and publishes the Canadian Journal of Political Science – Revue canadienne de science politique (CJPS – RCSP).

Raynauld is director of Emerson’s Washington, D.C., program, as well as an Affiliate Professor in the Département de lettres et communication sociale at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (Canada). He also serves as Research Associate in the Groupe de recherche en communication politique (GRCP); is a member of the North American Digital Diplomacy Initiative (NACDI) based at Queen’s University (Canada); and has been Associate Editor for the Journal of Information Technology and Politics since 2019.

His areas of research and publication include political communication and campaigning, protest politics, social media, political marketing and management, digital politics, identity politics, and journalism. A native of Montreal, he holds a Ph.D. from Carleton University, an MA from Université Laval, and a BS from Université de Montréal.

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