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Celebrate National Pet Day with Emerson Pets!

April 11 is National Pet Day.

We’re celebrating it with a gallery of pet photos submitted by Emerson staff. No one submitted an animal named Emerson. Nor did anyone submit any photos of crocodiles. Or lions. Maybe next year.

Do you want your pet added to the photo gallery? Please email and provide a JPEG of your pet and your pet’s name.

  • Two dogs outside
  • A kitty lays on a blanket on a bed
  • A dog lays on a towel
  • A striped orange kitty stretch
  • Two black and tan dogs
  • A black and white cat cuddles with a gray cat
  • Three cats on the kitchen floor
  • A black dog sits on a rock
  • Two dogs cuddle with each other out on the grass
  • A dog and cat lay on a doggie bed
  • A cat sleeps curled up
  • Two dogs cuddle together on a doggie bed
  • A dog wears a bowtie
  • A dog on a leash
  • A brownish/blackish bunny sits on carpet
  • Bristlenose pleco
  • Tabby cat
  • a beagle dog