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McLarin on Claudine Gay’s Departure: GBH Basic Black

Interim Dean of Graduate & Professional Studies and professor Kim McLarin, a contributor the GBH program Basic Black, spoke about the effect and implications of former Harvard President Claudine Gay’s resignation after a brief time in the role. Gay received harsh criticism of her response to antisemitism on Harvard’s campus and questioning of her academic work.

It’s an effort to reinstate social control, and we have to be clear about that. It’s not just Claudine Gay. It’s Nikole Hannah Jones, it’s Kathleen McElroy. Black women are often the fulcrum that’s used, but we have to be really clear that it’s not just her, it’s not just about higher education. … It’s a battle for the American soul, and the other side is determined to win.

Watch the segment/read part of the transcript.

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