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FAQs: Spring 2022 Booster Requirement for Faculty and Staff

In order to access campus after winter break, all staff and faculty must upload documentation of a COVID-19 booster in Workday. More instructions will be forthcoming.

Why is Emerson requiring the COVID-19 booster?

Based on guidance from the CDC, Tufts Medical Center, and Massachusetts Department of Public Health, the College is requiring the COVID-19 booster to help keep our community safe, healthy, and learning in person. We are preparing to keep the community safe from the Omicron variant. Current medical data suggests that the Omicron variant is more transmissible than previous COVID variants in people who have been vaccinated or have had COVID previously. The booster shot offers additional protection from both infection and severe COVID symptoms in breakthrough cases.

Who is eligible for the COVID-19 booster?

  • If it has been six months since your last dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, you are eligible for a Pfizer or Moderna booster (eligible at age 16 if primary series was Pfizer; eligible at age 18 if primary series was Moderna or Johnson & Johnson).
  • If it has been two months since your last Johnson & Johnson vaccine, you are eligible for another Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, or Pfizer vaccine. 
  • If you received two doses of Sinovac or Sinopharm vaccines, the CDC recommends waiting six months to receive the booster. The CDC recommends that you get Pfizer over Moderna.

If you received two doses of Sinovac or Sinopharm vaccine and already received at least ONE dose of Pfizer or Moderna, you are considered already boosted. You do not need to take further action at this time.   

Do I need to upload the documentation in Workday?

Yes, please upload all documentation to Workday. More instructions will be coming soon.

Can I get an exemption from the COVID-19 booster?

Staff and faculty with pre-approved exemptions will need to submit a new request for exemption. Contact 

What is the deadline for the COVID-19 booster?

If you are eligible, you must receive the booster and upload documentation to Workday to access campus after winter break. 

What if I have had COVID in the last 90 days?

It is safe to get a booster following a COVID infection once you complete your isolation period and no longer have a fever or COVID symptoms. We recommend that you get a booster within 90 days after a COVID infection for uninterrupted protection from COVID-19. You may request an extension to postpone the booster. 

If you test positive during the winter break, or become symptomatic when you are scheduled to return to campus, please contact your primary care provider and notify Do not come to campus if you are symptomatic.

Where can I get a booster?

You can schedule an appointment with Tufts at or you can schedule an appointment elsewhere in the community.

Please contact with any questions.

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