Latest Thriller from Grossman ’70 Hits the Shelves June 22

Looking for an adrenaline rush this summer? Emerson Trustee Gary Grossman’s newest thriller, Red Deception, is being released Tuesday, and according to no less than former U.S. Army Intelligence & Security Commander G. Michael Mara Jr., it’s “as true to life as it gets.”
Co-written with business consultant and FBI National Academy Associates Director Ed Fuller, Red Deception is the second book in Grossman’s (’70) and Fuller’s Red Hotel series.
The book follows former Army intelligence officer Dan Reilly, who once wrote a State Department report that predicted a spate of terrorist bridge bombings and has somehow made its way into the hands of foreign operatives. Meanwhile, the Russian president is sending troops to reclaim territory in Ukraine and Latvia, and the American president is busy juggling multiple crises at home.
“With the U.S. at the mercy of an egomaniacal leader, and reporters and covert agents on his tail, Reilly may be the one man who can connect the dots before an even bigger catastrophe unfolds,” according to the book blurb.

In its review, Publishers Weekly writes that “The authors keep the multiple plot lines moving swiftly ahead with rapid scene shifts, and the behind-the-scenes look at the high-end international hotel world lends authenticity.”
Grossman is an Emmy Award-winning TV producer and the author of a number of political thrillers, including Executive Actions, Executive Treason, Executive Command, Executive Force, and Old Earth, in addition to the Red Hotel series. He has also written two non-fiction books on television history, wrote columns for The New York Times and Boston Globe, and produced programs for NBC News.