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WLP MFA Student Mitty Mirrer on Shared Loss This Memorial Day: Globe Magazine

Writing, Literature, and Publishing MFA student Mitty Mirrer wrote for Boston Globe Magazine about her experience visiting a child in Ukraine who lost their father to war, who she met through the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS), an organization that supports those whose loved ones were killed or died while serving their country.

Mirrer’s father died during the Vietnam War, and Maksym, now 10, lost his father four years prior. Mirrer writes:

I told Maksym that he was very brave to remember his father. I was 27 before I met another “child” who’d lost a father to the Vietnam War. All these years later, I know that it’s in the sharing of our stories that we begin to heal.

Read the Globe Magazine piece.

Mirrer’s documentary Gold Star Children: Two Generations Share Loss and Healing is available to view at

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