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Emerson Week – How Will You Participate?

Dear members of the Emerson community:

The College is pleased to announce a new community-wide event this spring that will honor some of our most beloved traditions and will encourage all Emersonians, wherever in the world they may be, to gather virtually and connect with each other and the life of the College today.

This new event is called Emerson Week.  And, we hope you’ll participate.

Emerson Week will take place, virtually, from May 3 through May 9, 2021, and promises to be an opportunity for our entire community to share our stories, knowledge, ideas, art, and celebrations with all Emersonians – alumni, current students, faculty, staff, parents – even the incoming class of 2025.

The event is designed to capture as many of our Spring traditional activities as possible (Alumni Week and Commencement among them) into one virtual location. 

Some events that will be a part of Emerson Week include:

  • A Celebration of the Class of 2020
  • The 40th Annual EVVY Awards
  • Expression: Live!
  • Alumni Achievement Awards
  • In Memoriam Service
  • Commencement 2021 Virtual Ceremony 
  • And more!

And, we hope, you will add your own thoughts and programming ideas to the agenda for the week.

Faculty: Perhaps you’d like to host a mini or masterclass? Or, would your students be able to present their work? Students: Would you like to gather with current and former members of an on-campus group, club or organization? Staff: What would you like to share with the community about your work?

This is your opportunity to share your work and ideas with the Emerson community.  Submit your ideas here

We look forward to your involvement and hearing your ideas.


John Malcolm, VP for Institutional Advancement
Michaele Whelan, Provost and VP for Academic Affairs
Jim Hoppe, VP and Dean for Campus Life

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