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COVID-19 Reminder: Test Center

Just a reminder that the test center at 116 Harrison Avenue opens for testing at 8:00 am. Please do not arrive earlier than 8:00 am — this is to prevent queues forming outside the Emerson/TUSM test center.  

Additionally, please note that there are adjusted hours for the test center hours this week due to the Thanksgiving holiday.  Those hours are: 

Monday, November 23, 8:00 am-6:00pm 
Tuesday, November 24,8:00 am-6:00pm 
Wednesday, November 25, 8:00 am-12:00 pm

All members of the community must use the scheduling feature on the Emerson App or visit to schedule a test appointment time.

A negative test is reflective of a point in time, it does not prevent you from contracting the virus.  In addition to testing, you should always take appropriate precautions (masks, distance, avoid gatherings, hand hygiene, etc).

Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Erik Muurisepp
AVP, Campus Life 




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