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COVID Update: Updated MA Orders and Advisories


I am writing as a follow up to my October 23 message and in response to the updated advisories and orders issued by Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker on Monday, November 2.  

In summary, effective Friday, November 6, the following updated Orders and Advisories are in effect for residents of Massachusetts.  

  • Stay at Home Advisory: Residents are instructed to stay home between 10:00 pm and 5:00 am. Going to/from work, running critical errands to get groceries, and address medical needs are permitted.   
  • Face Covering Order: All individuals are required to wear a face covering in all public places, even where they are able to maintain 6 feet of distance from others. Face coverings are still required whenever on campus and when not alone in your private space. *If you are in need of an additional face covering, you can pick up a reusable cloth face covering at the 172 Tremont St. Info Desk.  
  • Gatherings Order: Size limits for gatherings at private residences are now 10 for indoor gatherings and 25 for outdoor gatherings.

Please continue to follow these orders and the other guidelines that are in place to help stop the spread of COVID-19 within the Emerson community and throughout the City of Boston.  

As we enter these final weeks of in-person learning, please follow all College and local guidelines and policies so that we can prevent the spread of COVID-19 and end the semester safely. 

Thank you for your continued cooperation, 
Erik Muurisepp

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