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Wheeler on Music Amidst Pandemic: Wicked Local Reading

Composer and Senior Distinguished Artist-in-Residence Scott Wheeler discusses the future of arts and music amidst the pandemic with his local media outlet, as he is a resident of North Reading. Wheeler says he is treating this time as a residency, and is working on many projects, including a musical theatre piece, a trio to premiere at Brooklyn’s National Sawdust, and editing his own recorded work, including songs to Paul Muldoon’s poetry.

When we return to performance venues and everyday life, he acknowledges we will have to adapt and be creative.

I’m watching with avidity, and concern. Businesses of all kinds are in danger. Some of my favorite ensembles. What will be the impact at NEC, or Emerson? When music itself comes back, will people want to do it?

Read the Wicked Local Reading piece.

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