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Helpful Internship & Career Information

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The pandemic has changed so many of our plans. As the academic year comes to a close, the change in prospects for future employment and internships may, in particular, be on some of your minds. Please know that the Career Development Center is still here and absolutely ready to work with you remotely! Its staff members remain committed to supporting the professional education and development of our students and alumni during this time. With the current state of affairs leaving many wondering what next steps might look like, the Career Center will be offering several resources and initiatives to help address your concerns.

EC20 CareerLaunch, powered by Canvas, offers a comprehensive collection of resources and tools designed to guide graduating students’ journey toward career success. Starting Monday, April 27th, seniors and graduate students wrapping up their studies will be invited to participate in a number of self-guided exercises and resources to walk you through the steps needed to create and execute a successful career plan. Topics will include Goal Setting, Professional Branding, and Interviewing, among other essential career readiness-related skills. The first module will include a Graduating Student Checklist. Check out the video introduction to EC20 CareerLaunch here!

The Career Development Center will also offer a number of Virtual Events
and Networking Opportunities
 like the ongoing Student Leader Ask me Anything series coordinated with SEAL (Student Engagement and Leadership) and Job Searching during the COVID19 Pandemic on Wednesday, May 13th, an employer-focused event featuring representatives from GAP, Beacon Hill Staffing, and Horizon Media. You can get details about all these events on EmConnect.

Finally, Virtual Appointments & Service are continuing in the form of 1-on-1 online meetings scheduled through Handshake and online resume reviews completed by the seasoned staff who want to help you take those next steps.

I hope you will consider taking advantage of these resources. If you’re not sure where to begin, just contact the Career Development Center staff at or 617-824-8586. Until we can all be together again, please take good care.

Jim Hoppe
Vice President & Dean for Campus LIfe

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