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Condemning Anti-Asian Racism and Xenophobia

Dear members of the Emerson community,

I am deeply troubled, and I know many of you are, by the increasing racist and xenophobic acts against people of Asian descent in reaction to the coronavirus pandemic. These acts are occurring around the world, across all of the United States, in the Boston area, and perhaps, even within our own communities.

I ask all of you to join me in condemning racist and xenophobic acts against members of the Asian community and all marginalized groups. These acts are inconsistent with the values that we hold most dear at Emerson.

At a time when so many people are working to reduce the spread of COVID-19 around the world, the Emerson community needs to hold all the more strongly to our values, and be united in denouncing racism and xenophobia. As I have said before, our hope shall always be that, out of the rich diversity of human experience, we can continue to create a community of learning that is strengthened by its pluralism.  

Sylvia Spears, Vice President for Equity and Social Justice, will be sending out a message from the Social Justice Center that will provide the Emerson Community with suggestions for addressing racist and xenophobic acts when they occur as well as information about ways to implement stronger anti-racist practices within our community.  

We are very mindful of how these incidents may impact Emerson’s Asian and Asian American communities. I would like to remind everyone that although we are operating remotely, campus resources remain available regardless of where you are. I ask that we join together in support of our fellow community members.

Lee Pelton

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