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Art Happening: Student’s Winning 172 Tremont Mural Comes into Focus

Walkow arms wide in front of mural
Lily Walkow ’21 in front of her community mural in the 172 Tremont kitchen. Photo/Justin Schmalholz ’22

Last fall, Student Engagement and Leadership (SEAL) put out a call to community members — students in particular — for design concepts for a mural that would grace a wall of the 172 Tremont Street kitchen. SEAL reviewed submissions, whittled them down to a handful of options, and put them to a vote.

The winner was Lily Walkow ’21, a Media Arts Production major, whose completed mural was unveiled on February 14. Justin Schmalholz ’22 captured the mural’s progress in photos.

Mural through screen of phone
Walkow looks at the mural on her phone.
Walkow painting
Walkow at work on the mural
cartoon image of Lily on playbill
Walkow painted herself into the mural.
Detail of drawings on mural
A detail from the 172 Tremont mural.
Walkow colors in mural.
Finishing touches.
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