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Tulasi Srinivas Writes on Climate Change and Faith to The Revealer

Tulasi Srinivas, Professor of Anthropology, Religion and Transnational Studies of the Institute, wrote a piece for The Revealer that explores the question, what happens when sacred rivers become too polluted for gods and people? Srinivas examines the current state of the Vrishabhavathi river in India and how its dire state affects Hindu practices.

Indeed, I am hopeful that Hinduism can offer us a new imaginative geo-political theology for this growing eco-apocalypse. Hinduism can propose a language to think of this eco-catastrophe in religious terms, without being fatalistic or exclusionary. For the very essence of Hinduism — that of earthly custodianship and ecological care — is beyond any single religion, and vitalizes a pan-Indian culture that can emancipate us from the dangers of unthinking development and discrimination.

Read the piece in The Revealer.

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