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Emerson Launches ‘Tight Knit’ Sock Campaign

Feet wearing Emerson socks
Individual donors to the Tight Knit Sock Campaign will be given a pair of special Emerson socks.

Cityscape de(feet)ed argyle in a heated online vote to decide what pattern should be used in the Tight Knit Sock Campaign — a crowdfunding initiative to support Emerson students.

The campaign is from October 28 through November 4, and every individual donor will receive a pair of Emerson socks as a “thank you” for their donation.

Tight Knit is focused on the special threads that weave Emersonians together. The films and videos we’ve worked on together, E3 Program projects we shared with one another, fictional stories we workshopped, student orgs we led together, and so much more.

Donate to the Tight Knit Emerson College Sock Campaign.

The campaign will focus on different funds and initiatives, including:

It’s also tax-deductible!

And after you make your gift, we’d like to know who makes up your Tight Knit Emerson community. Is it your sorority sisters, cast mates, roomies, coworkers, collaborators, or your partner you fell in love with at Emerson College? Let us know and help us celebrate our the Emerson College community on social media with #EmersonisTIGHTKNIT.

The socks feature the Boston skyline and one size fits most — so sorry people with very small or giant feet. The socks were made by the finest cotton sourced from the southeast of the U.S., designed in Austin, Texas, and manufactured in North Carolina. They’re 75 percent cotton, 21 nylon, 4 percent lycra, and 100 percent love for Emerson College!

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