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Workday Training for Faculty

Now that Workday is live, the Finance Department is offering training designed just for faculty. While there are many other training sessions available to you on various topics online, this training will focus on:

  • How to access and print your pay slip;
  • How to review/change your direct deposit or tax elections in Workday;
  • How to submit an expense reimbursement in Workday.

We encourage you to attend this training, which will last approximately one hour, at any of these times and dates

Tuesday  10/22Walker 6338:30-10:00 am
Tuesday 10/22Walker 6342:00-3:30 pm
Wednesday  10/23HR Training  Room at 20 Park Plaza10:00-11:30 pm
Thursday 10/24Walker 6342:00-3:30 pm
Thursday 10/24Walker 6343:30-5:00 pm
Tuesday 10/29Walker 6338:30-10:00 am
Tuesday 10/29Walker 6342:00-3:30 pm
Thursday 10/31Walker 6342:00-3:30 pm
Tuesday 11/5Walker 6342:00-3:30 pm
Wednesday 11/6HR Training  Room at 20 Park Plaza10:00-11:30 am
Thursday 11/7Walker 6338:30-10:00 am

Realizing that all times will conflict with some classes, finance has also posted a faculty training guide. The guide has step-by-step instructions for creating an expense report and many other helpful instructions.

If you wish to attend the training in the HR Training room at Park Plaza, you will need to pre-register and bring your laptop. You may email to register for access into the Park Plaza building. For any of the other trainings in Walker, there is no need to register.

Please feel free to bring expenses you need to have reimbursed for hands-on assistance, or come with questions about any other tasks you need help with in Workday.




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