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Training Transformational Teachers, Fall 2019

Dear Faculty,

Welcome back! The Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL) at Emerson College will again offer the opportunity for faculty to participate in the Training Transformational Teachers (TTT) program this semester.

TTT is an intensive, semester-long training in understanding, experimenting with, and refining research-based teaching techniques shown to boost student learning and engagement. The TTT program provides tools, techniques, and insights to help teachers reach and engage all of their students.

The Fall 2019 program will begin on Monday, September 23. If you would like to participate, please submit the application form by Thursday, September 12. We will notify you of your acceptance (or waiting list status, if the program is over subscribed) the following week. The application form is available at this link.

Created by two Berklee College of Music faculty members, Kevin Johnson and Pratt Bennet, the program blends the latest research on teaching and learning. Pratt will share effective techniques for helping all students to understand more content and concepts deeply enough to apply them on their own. Participants will have an opportunity to get both group and individual coaching to make sure they all have the information and tools they need to be more effective teachers.

Registration and Session Dates

The Office of Academic Affairs is sponsoring nine Emerson faculty members to participate in this unique faculty development program. The Fall 2019 sessions will occur on the following Mondays, from 6:30-8:30 pm: September 23, October 7, November 4 and 18, and December 9. Dinner will be provided. Emerson participants must commit to attending all five meetings, as each one builds on the previous meetings.

Note: This program also will be offered at Boston Architectural College on Saturday mornings from 10:00 am-12:00 pm, with the fifth session on Monday, December 9, 6:30-8:30 pm, at Emerson. Space in BAC’s program will be available for up to three Emerson faculty. If you are interested in participating in the program at BAC, you can so indicate on the registration application form.

Please contact with any questions.

Best regards,
Carol Parker
AVP for Faculty Affairs


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