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Retirements of Two Long-Serving Staff Members

Dear Emerson Community,

I am writing to announce the retirement of two beloved, long-standing members of the Emerson community: Bill DeWolf, our registrar, who will leave Emerson on December 20, 2018; and Bob Fleming, our library executive director, who will leave Emerson on June 30, 2019.

Bill was hired 18 years ago, in November 2001, during the very challenging process of moving from the Back Bay to Tremont and Boylston, and the building of the Tufte Performance and Production Center. He was tasked with developing the One-Stop-Shop Student Service Center, and in Fall 2009, the legacy system was converted and first Banner SIS, and then Degree Works, went live — all enhancing student services.

A talented artist, Bill taught VM262 – Intro to Drawing, for many years, and had the opportunity to be a member of the thesis committee for a Communication Disorders graduate student dealing with developmental stages in children’s art.  A champion of student veterans, Bill has also mentored many staff in his office, and reports that he thoroughly enjoyed his time at Emerson. A party will be held for him on Tuesday, December 4, 2:00-4:00 pm on the 4th Floor of Ansin.

Bob Fleming’s career at Emerson’s library has spanned more than 35 years. He began as a cataloging assistant in April 1983, and was promoted to archivist when he received his master’s degree in library and information science from Simmons College in 1985. Bob was subsequently promoted to head of archives and special collections, and to assistant director of access services before becoming executive director of the Iwasaki Library in 2007. From 2003-2007, Bob also served as curator at Emerson’s Huret and Spector Gallery.

As the assistant director for access services and archives, Bob played a key role in designing the new library facility at 120 Boylston Street. Later, he oversaw renovations that increased the number of seats, created an event space, and combined the library’s three desks into a single service point. One of the highlights of Bob’s career was establishing the American Comedy Archives. Since becoming executive director in 2007, Bob’s greatest point of pride is the dedicated staff that he and the library’s department heads have recruited and mentored over the years.

A party will be held for Bob in late April. A library search committee composed of faculty and staff, and chaired by Dean Amy Ansell, has been formed and will begin a search process involving the community.

When you see Bill and Bob on campus, please thank them for their years of dedicated service and their many contributions to Emerson.



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