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Emerson Named a Top School for Writers by College Magazine

College Magazine, an online publication written by students for students, included Emerson in its list of “Top 10 Colleges for Writers.”

In its explanation, College name drops alumnus Seth Grahame-Smith ’98 (Pride and Prejudice and Zombies), and points out that students can concentrate on either writing or publishing at Emerson. They spoke to senior Maya Kaczor, who talked about the supportive Writing, Literature and Publishing faculty.

“The professors that have helped me are the reason I’ve succeeded so far. My fiction professor… would never say your writing was bad—just what could be improved. That mindset is something that has really stuck with me: the idea that any piece can be salvaged and made into something to be proud of.”

The piece also points to Emerson’s six literary magazines as a way to “stay sharp on your writing game outside class.”

Check out the list on the College Magazine website.