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Emerson Trustee to Be Honored by American India Foundation

Emerson College Trustee Raj Sharma MA ’83

Emerson College Trustee Raj Sharma MA ’83, and his wife, Nalini, will receive a Special Recognition Award from the American India Foundation (AIF) for their role in founding the Boston Chapter of the AIF, and their leadership. 

The Sharmas, who are trustees of AIF, will receive their award at the foundation’s New England Gala on Saturday, March 26, at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel.

“Nalini and Raj are active in philanthropy, civic and arts organizations on a global scale,” the AIF said in a statement to India New England News.

Raj Sharma, also a member of AIF’s Board of Directors, is a managing director and head of The Sharma Group, an advisory boutique within Merrill Lynch’s Private Banking and Investment Group. He was named one of fifteen All-Stars by Barron’s Magazine, bestowed on advisors who have made the Top 100 list for ten straight years. In 2013, The Financial Times named Sharma to the FT 400, a list of top global wealth advisors, according to India New England News. 

“AIF is my conduit for giving back to my country of birth,” Sharma said in a statement. “We started the Boston chapter with a cocktail party in our living room in 2004 and today we have hundreds of supporters in the New England area and have raised well over $8 million for India’s development. It is truly gratifying to witness the dramatic growth of AIF and the passion for philanthropy in New England.”

In addition to serving on Emerson’s Board of Trustees, Sharma is also chairman of the board of YouthLEAD, an organization that encourages respectful dialogue and tolerance among young people. He is a former chairman and current member of The Boston Harbor Island Alliance Board.

Nalini Sharma is on the Board of Overseers of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and serves on the boards of YouthLEAD and MITHAS, which promotes South Asian music and art.

Founded in 2001 at the initiative of President Bill Clinton, the American India Foundation works to combat poverty and spark economic and social change in India, and build U.S.-India relations through education, public health, economic development and leadership training.

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