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Thousands gather for ADA 25th anniversary

ADA marchers

Thousands of people participated in the 25th anniversary celebration of the Americans with Disabilities Act on Boston Common on July 22, including several Emerson staff and alumni. (Photo by Dan O’Brien)

Thousands of people marched on Boston Common on July 22 in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which affords legal protection to people with disabilities nationwide.

Emerson DSO staff

Jodie Rollins, MS ’16 (center), joins Disabilities Service Office staff members Erin Glover and Matt Fisher at the 25th anniversary celebration of the ADA. (Photo by Dan O’Brien)

Emerson’s Student Accessibility Services Office (DSO) and FACE Lab set up an informational table at the event sponsored by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and several staff and alumni attended.

Diane Paxton

Diane Paxton, director of Emerson’s Disabilities Services Office, at the College’s informational table at the 25th anniversary event for the ADA on Boston Common. (Photo by Dan O’Brien)

Among those in attendance were Paralympic champion Cheri Blauwet, MD, who received an honorary degree during Emerson’s 135th Commencement ceremony last May; Rhoda Gibson ’79, a member of the advocacy group MassADAPT; DSO Director Diane Paxton with staff members Erin Glover and Matt Fisher; and student Jodie Rollins, MS ’16. 

Rhoda Gibson

Rhoda Gibson ’79 (center) of MassADAPT and the Emerson EBONI Alumni Association with her personal care provider Cathi O’Malley Miller and her daughter, Mia Miller, 8. (Photo by Dan O’Brien)

Cheri Blauwet

2015 Emerson Honorary Degree recipient and Paralympic champion Cheri Blauwet, MD (center); with Oz Mondejar, senior vice president of mission and advocacy at Spaulding Rehabilitation Center (left); and Kristen McCosh, disability commissioner for the city of Boston. (Photo by Dan O’Brien)

ADA 25th anniversary crowd

A large crowd gathers in Boston Common, across from Emerson’s Little and Ansin buildings, for a march to begin the ADA 25th anniversary celebration. (Photo by Dan O’Brien)

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