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New resource groups for LGBTQ, people of color

Emerson College has recently launched two new resource groups: one for faculty and staff of color and the other for those who identify as LGBTQ.

Fusion, for employees of color; and eQual, for LGBTQ employees, were developed by staff and faculty in response to a meeting regarding Emerson resource groups and are sponsored by the offices of Diversity and Inclusion and Human Resources.

Chris DalyThe resource groups provide members opportunities to network, educate, and advocate issues that will advance Emerson’s goals and mission. The groups also aim to raise awareness of Emerson as an employer committed to recruiting, hiring, and retaining a diverse workforce.

Chris Daly, a director in the Office of Student Success, is a member of eQual.

“It’s a great way to interact with staff and faculty I might otherwise never get to meet around issues of shared identity and importance,” Daly said. “This helps in creating a supportive and safe environment for all Emersonians. It’s also a great way for the institution to show its support of diverse populations.”

Sixteen staff and faculty attended Fusion’s first networking meeting February 19.

“Fusion is important to me because…we have issues specific to being in the minority,” said Jo Craig, a founding member of Fusion, who works in the Office of Development and Alumni Relations. “We can share these experiences and empower each other to seek solutions to problems, share cultures, and provide a forum for discussion for anyone at Emerson.”

The two new groups join EmCares, a staff and faculty group for parents and caregivers developed in June 2013.

For more information about any of the resource groups, email



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