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Professor authors family communication book

Communication Studies Professor Richard West recently released the fourth edition of his book Perspectives on Family Communication, co-authored by Lynn H. Turner of Marquette University. This is the authors’ seventh book together.

Perspectives on Family Communication examines the role communication plays in both creating and solving family issues. Fifteen case studies are woven throughout the chapters, and serve as the book’s foundation. The book was recognized by the Family Communication journal as the premier book that addresses family diversity in multiple ways.

“The case studies give life to the words,” West said. “Anyone who reads the book is reading more than just research—they are reading about their family in some way,” he said.

The new edition reflects the latest research on family communication on such topics as the broadened definition of family; current demographic aspects of family types; spirituality; social media; television; and updated references on family theory, storytelling, divorce, and conflict.

“We have so many different issues and challenges in family life,” West explained. “This book is a beginning in unpacking many of the complexities related to them. It examines the importance of communication as families grapple with both large and small issues in their lives.”

West will be teaching the College’s first family communication (CC 472) class next semester.

A launch party for West and Turner was held November 15 at the National Communication Association 98th Annual Convention in Orlando, Florida. West is president of the association and Turner is past president.   

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