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LeRay delivers Graduate Student Commencement

Communication Sciences and Disorders graduate student Tamika LeRay will deliver the graduate student speech at Commencement 2011. LeRay came to Emerson College from Peekskill, New York, as a junior to complete her undergraduate studies. After receiving a bachelor’s degree from Emerson, she entered the graduate program in Communication Disorders. LeRay, who is the first in her immediate family to obtain a college, and now, graduate degree, wrote her thesis on clinicians who work with students that speak African American English.

Alt="Headshot of Tamika Leray"
Communication Sciences and Disorders graduate student Tamika LeRay

LeRay has maintained a perfect grade point average during her time in the graduate studies program at Emerson. In addition, she was an active participant in the American Speech Language and Hearing Association (ASHA)’s Minority Student Leadership Program; was honored with a research award by the National Black Association of Speech Language and Hearing (NBASLH); and was the recipient of ASHA’s Students Preparing for Academic and Research Careers (SPARC) award.

LeRay says that her academic success at Emerson was largely based on the mentorship that she received from faculty members such as Clinical Instructor Shelley Lipschultz, Assistant Professor Belinda Fuste-Herrmann, Assistant Professor Ruth Grossman, and Chair of Communication Sciences and Disorders Daniel Kempler. After graduating, she intends to continue exploring her interests in multiculturalism and dialect diversity as a speech pathologist.

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