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President Liebergott is honored by Caucus

On December 5, President Jackie Liebergott, Trustee and Producer Vin Di Bona ’66, Executive Producer Suzanne de Passe (who has been a guest artist at Emerson), and Jenna Lyng ’10 were among those honored at the 28th Annual Caucus for Producers, Writers, and Directors Awards Dinner at the Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles.

Many Emerson alumni, parents, and friends were present, including Bob and Linda Gersh P’10; Gary Grossman ’70 and wife Helene Seifer P’09, P’14, and their son Jake; Max Mutchnick ’87; Jeff ’68 and Jan Greenhawt ’69; and Barbara Rutberg ’68.
The event also marked the 10th anniversary of the Caucus Foundation, which provides financial grants to student filmmakers. Actor and comedian Fred Willard emceed the gala event.

“It is truly an honor to be recognized by the Caucus, which has contributed so much to the television and new media industries and the public interest by promoting quality programming, protecting artistic and intellectual property rights, educating policy makers, enhancing industry diversity, and encouraging new talent through the Caucus Foundation Student Grants Program.”

–Emerson College President Jacqueline Liebergott

Di Bona (creator of America’s Funniest Home Videos) was awarded Independent Producer of the Year for his outstanding achievement in the television industry.

Liebergott was presented with a Special Educator Award for her contribution to the media industry, including her initiative to build a permanent satellite location in Los Angeles. Passe received the Chair’s Award and Lyng was a finalist for the Gold Circle Student Award for her film As They Fade, which was shown at Emerson’s Student Film Festival in LA in March 2010.

In accepting her award on behalf of students, faculty, Trustees, and alumni, Liebergott said, “It is truly an honor to be recognized by the Caucus, which has contributed so much to the television and new media industries and the public interest by promoting quality programming, protecting artistic and intellectual property rights, educating policy makers, enhancing industry diversity, and encouraging new talent through the Caucus Foundation Student Grants Program.”

Caucus President Chuck Fries announced that since its inception 10 years ago, the organization has provided $1 million in financial grants for 100 students to complete their films.

“This event truly highlighted the enormous impact that Emerson has on the entertainment industry,” said Rutberg. “It was a very proud moment for Emerson. Today, Emerson alumni are found in leadership roles in virtually every major corporation in this business; the College’s presence in LA is only going to grow,” she said.



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